Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy forms part of the Legal Notice regulating the Website together with the Regulations for Use of Cookies.

The Website is owned by Butterfly Shelter, Florence Hunot and complies with the requirements arising from Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and the regulations in force concerning the protection of personal data, and particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Butterfly Shelter reserves the right to modify or adapt this Privacy Policy at any time. For this reason, we recommend that you review it every time you access the Website. In the event that the user has registered in the website and accessed his/her account or profile, on doing so they will be informed if there have been substantial changes as regards the processing of their personal data.

Who is Responsible For The Processing?

The data that is collected or which you voluntarily give us via the Website, whether it is by navigating around the Website or data that you may give us via the contact forms, e-mail or telephone, shall be collected and processed by the File Controller, whose data is indicated below:

Identity: Butterfly Shelter

Tax no. (CIF in Spain): B67620419

Postal Address postal: Avingunda d'Asturiès 60, Urbanizacion Las Palmeras, 08811 Canyelles, BARCELONA

Telephone no:


Contact: Florence Hunot


If for any reason you wish to get in touch with us for any matter related to the processing of your personal data or privacy (with our Data Protection Delegate), you may do so via any of the means indicated above.

What are your RIGHTS as regards the processing of your data?

Everybody has the right to obtain information about the existence of processing of their personal data; to access the personal information and data that Butterfly Shelter has; to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where applicable, request it be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or the interested party withdraws the consent they had granted.

In specific cases, the interested party may request that their data processing be restricted. In this case, we shall only keep it in accordance with the regulations in force.

In some cases, you may exercise your right to move the data, which will be delivered to you or to the new data controller you designate in a suitable, commonly-used format or for mechanical reading.

You have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to the processing for which you have granted it.

Butterfly Shelter has forms for you to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, for which you must contact us at the e-mail address requesting the kind of form you need. Likewise, you may use the ones that the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties put at the disposal of interested parties.

These forms must be electronically signed and must also be accompanied by a copy of your DNI (or ID). If a representative is acting on your behalf, then it must be accompanied by a copy of the representative’s DNI (or ID) or electronic signature.

The forms must be presented in person at the address of Butterfly Shelter indicated above or, where applicable, sent by email.

You have the right to present a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency in the event that you believe that the request for your rights has not been properly addressed.

The deadline for Butterfly Shelter to resolve this is one month as of when we have effectively received your request.

What Data do we Collect via the Website?

Data stored from navigation around and use of the Website

Simply by the user navigating around the website, Butterfly Shelter will collect information about:

  • IP Address

  • Browser version

  • Operating system

  • Duration of the visit or navigation around the Website.

This information may be stored by Google Analytics, so we refer you to Google’s Privacy Policy, since that is the one that collects and processes such information. Similarly, the use of Google Maps may be provided on the Website, which may have access to your location if you allow it to do so in order to better specify the distance and/or routes to our offices. In this case, we refer you to the Privacy Policy used by Google Maps in order to learn about the use and processing of such data:

The information that we deal with shall not be related to a specific user. It shall be stored in our databases for the purpose of carrying out statistical analyses, and improvements to the Website, to our products and/or services, and it will help us improve our business strategy. The data will not be communicated to third parties.

Registering the user in the Website

To access certain products and/or services, it may be necessary for the user to register with the Website. To do so, personal data is requested in the registration form. The data that it is necessary and obligatory for the user to give in order to carry out the registration is marked with the * symbol. If such fields are not given, the registration will not be carried out.

The user and the password generated are personal and non-transferable. The user is responsible for the password’s safekeeping. We do not advise you to note it down anywhere, nor to communicate it to third parties. We remind you that the system has a function to reset the password, which may be used in the event that you need to reset it.

In this event, the navigation data will be associated with the user’s registration data, identifying the same specific user who is navigating around the Website. We can thus customise the range of products and/or services best suited to the user according to our criteria, as well as recommend specific products and/or services.

Each user’s registration data shall be introduced into the databases of Butterfly Shelter together with the history of the operations the user has carried out, and it shall be stored there provided that the registered user’s account is not deleted. Once the account is deleted, said data will be removed from our databases. Data related to transactions carried out shall be maintained for 5 years without being accessed or altered, in order to comply with the legal periods in force. Data that is not related to the transactions carried out will be kept unless consent is withdrawn, in which case it shall be immediately deleted.

The legal basis for processing your personal data lies in compliance with a contract between the parties, in which the user requests a series of products/services/utilities from Butterfly Shelter.

The purposes for the processing are as follows:

  1. To manage the user’s registration in the registration area and their access to the Website.

  2. To handle the purchase of products and/or services put at your disposal in the Website.

  3. To keep you informed about the processing and status of your purchases.

  4. To respond to your request for information.

  5. To manage all of the uses that the platform may offer.

We therefore inform you that you may receive communications via e-mail and/or your telephone number in order to inform you about possible incidents, errors, problems and/or the status of your orders.

The user’s personal data may be given to third parties in order to carry out specific procedures and/or services requested by the user:

(In a situation where an order is placed via the website.)

  • Delivery/Courier companies

  • Payment platforms

  • Possible intermediaries

Website maintenance company

  • Hosting company

  • International transfers

In order to send commercial messages, the user’s express consent will be requested upon their registration. In this regard, the user may revoke the consent they have granted by addressing themselves to Butterfly Shelter using the means indicated above. In any case, in every commercial communication, the possibility will be given to cancel receipt of them, by means of a link and/or an email address.

Data given in the contact form

You may contact us directly via email, “Contact Us”, etc., given in the Website. To do so, the users need to identify themselves and indicate their personal data so that Butterfly Shelter may contact the user in the event that it is necessary to deal with their request for information. The data that it is necessary and obligatory for the user to give in order to carry out the registration is marked with the * symbol. If these fields are not given, their requests cannot be sent.

This data will be included in the databases of Butterfly Shelter, who will keep it to reply to your application and/or request for information unless you withdraw your consent, in which case it will be deleted after a period of 5 years.

The legal basis for processing such data is the consent from the user who requests information or needs to stay in contact with Butterfly Shelter.

The purposes for the processing are as follows:

  1. To handle queries or requests for information that you send us via the Website, e-mail or phone.

  2. To send communications, special offers, news or activities that may be of interest to you or that you request from us even by electronic means. As this is a purpose that is accessory to the main one, you must tick the box provided for this reason.

The personal data you give us via this means will not be communicated to third parties. Butterfly Shelter will be the party that replies directly to this kind of query.

Work with us

In the event that you give us your curriculum vitae via the Website, email or physically at the address or any of the Butterfly Shelter premises, then Butterfly Shelter will put it into its database. The CV will be stored for a period of 1 year, after which it will be deleted if we have not got in touch with you.

The legal basis for the processing lies in the express consent given by the interested party to processing the data contained in the CV upon delivering it and ticking the box provided for this purpose.

The purpose of the processing is to include it in Butterfly Shelter’s current and future selection procedures.

In the event that the interested party finally joins Butterfly Shelter as an employee, their data will be included in a database owned by Butterfly Shelter for the purpose of internally managing the employer-employee relationship.

Sending a Newsletter

On the Website, the option is given to subscribe to Butterfly Shelter’s newsletter. To do so, it is necessary for you to give us an email address to send it to.

This information will be stored in a database belonging to Butterfly Shelter, where it will remain registered until the interested party requests its cancellation or, if applicable, Butterfly Shelter stop sending it.

The legal basis for processing this personal data is the express consent given by all interested parties who subscribe to this service by ticking the box provided for this purpose.

The email data will only be processed and stored for the purpose of managing the sending of the newsletter to the users who request it.

To do so, an application is used to automatically send the newsletter, which has access to the e-mail addresses.

Name of the application

Owner of the application / Country

In order to send a newsletter, the user will be asked for express consent to register for it by ticking the box provided for this purpose. In this regard, the user may revoke the consent they have granted by addressing themselves to Butterfly Shelter, using the means indicated above. In any case, in every commercial communication, the possibility will be given to cancel receipt of them, by means of a link and/or an email address.

The newsletter will be sent using the platform Squarespace based in the USA, which means there is an international transfer of data covered by the agreement between the European Union and the USA called Privacy Shield